Welcome to Berlin

Participatory video-workshop


Following a call for proposals to bring together refugees and local German youth, a participatory video project was put together with the Medienprojekt Berlin, in cooperation with the evangalist youth club “ Die Eiche“, Minibus Media and the TV-actor Samir Fuchs.
The project-inititive “Welcome to Berlin“ brought together youngsters with different cultural backgrounds to transmit media competence and diminish cultural bias.
Together with two other media-consultants, this project-inititive took place three times, altogether in three different districts in Berlin.


  • Elaboration of a suitable topic, film format and script
  • Rehearsal of the entire play with guidance
  • Introduction to the basic elements of video-production and its technical tools
  • Acting and filming of the various scenes
  • Editing of the video

Results & Impact:

  • 22 refugee-teenagers and seven Berlin youngsters participated within three workshops
  • Mediation of basic video-production skills to four participants
  • Mediation of basic acting-skills to six participants
  • Production of five short films from which are four documentaries and one comedy-drama
  • Six public screenings & panel discussions with more than 300 viewers


  • Year
  • Country
  • Duration
    1 week
  • Employees
  • Participants
  • Services
    Transmission of acting and filming skills
  • Resources
    Jugend- und Familienstiftung des Landes Berlin
  • Partner
    Medienprojekt Berlin, Die Eiche

    Project videos

    Die Erleuchtung-German onlyDie Erleuchtung-German only

    Contact information

    H.-Christian Goertz
    Founder and director
    Länderallee 29
    14052 Berlin
       +49 30 605 077 81
      +49 30 269 339 10

    Mirella Domenich
    Founder and director of Communication for Development
    SHIN CA 08 Bloco E
       +55 11 616 229 65
      +55 11 616 228 21

    Our projects worldwide