Our consultations.

Minibus Media offers consulting services for organizations that are interested in improving their relationship and their position with the media.

Media training

Media training

Providing interviews to the media is a key factor in spreading information to a wide public. A well prepared spokes person can make a targeted use of the space provided by the media.

However, making sure you get your message across during an interview can be rather challenging. . A good interview is based on techniques and on a broad understanding on the mechanisms behind the production of news.

Minibus Media prepares representatives of organisations to understand the media structure and to be able to provide clear interviews for any media outlet, therefore assuring that the organisation’s message is on point.

We have implemented such trainings in Brazil and in Germany.
Communication strategies

Communication strategies

Minibus Media produces tailor-made programs for the development of organisational communications strategies.

We focus on participatory approaches and use different communications means in order to work together with organisations (physically and on distance) to come up with a realistic strategy, that can be embraced and implemented by the teams.

In this process, we assist the organisations to identify where the communication opportunities are, how to word your main messages, your target audiences and the most effective means to communicate with them. Part of this process is to jointly look at the challenges, opportunities and the risks, identifying internal capacity and external assistance needed for the implementation of the strategy. A communications strategy ready for implementation could be the final result of this type of consultancy.

We have worked in this area with more than 15 NGOs in Angola and in Brazil.
Public Relation / Press Relations

Public Relation / Press Relations

Public relations is the responsibility for the internal and external flow of information between the organization and the public.
Frequent activities include speaking at conferences, working with the press, and promoting their own communication. Minibus Media provides public relations services as well as training organizations themselves.

Contact us.

H.-Christian Goertz
Founder and director

Länderallee 29
14052 Berlin

   +49 30 605 077 81
  +49 30 269 339 10

Get in touch.

Are you interested in Minibus Media? We are looking forward to your inquiry!

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SOS Habitat-Angola
Vitanas. Pflegen und Wohnen
Christian Aid

Contact information

H.-Christian Goertz
Founder and director
Länderallee 29
14052 Berlin
   +49 30 605 077 81
  +49 30 269 339 10

Mirella Domenich
Founder and director of Communication for Development
SHIN CA 08 Bloco E
   +55 11 616 229 65
  +55 11 616 228 21

Our projects worldwide