Our partners.

Minibus Media is supported by the following institutions and companies or cooperates with them.


We thank governments, international donors and companies who make our development work possible. International donors and companies have been supporting the work of Minibus Media with funds, equipments and logistics.

  • Christian Aid
  • Cordaid
  • Goethe-Institut
  • Hivos - People unlimited
  • LAM
  • Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
  • niza
  • Paane
  • Pinnacle - A part of Avid
  • Polana Serena Hotel
  • Sennheiser
  • Trocaire. Working for a Just World
  • Episcopal
  • Oxfam International
  • Norwegian Church Aid

Local partner organizations

Our partner organizations play a key role in the development of our work on the ground. Minibus Media has worked with the following non-governmental organizations and educational institutions in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Germany and Brazil

  • Adra
  • Citizenship DRC
  • Civil Liberties Committee
  • Kanimambo. Hip Hop Mocambique
  • Omunga
  • Omunga. Brigada de Jornalista
  • StreetUniverCity Berlin
  • SOS Habitat-Angola
  • UCF Angola


We work for various institutions to provide them with news, videos and photos. Minibus Media has already provided its work for news agencies, non-governmental organizations and companies in Brazil, Germany, England, Angola, Malawi and Mozambique.

  • FM 101 Power
  • Reuters
  • University of East Anglia
  • Vitanas. Pflegen und Wohnen

Contact information

H.-Christian Goertz
Founder and director
Länderallee 29
14052 Berlin
   +49 30 605 077 81
  +49 30 269 339 10

Mirella Domenich
Founder and director of Communication for Development
SHIN CA 08 Bloco E
   +55 11 616 229 65
  +55 11 616 228 21

Our projects worldwide