Gender-based violence in Luanda

Participatory video-project


The project aimed for an advanced training for the participants of the "Christian Association of Young Women" / YWCA network, who had already participated in a participatory video workshop in 2013.
The focus of the training was on video-pre-Production (with an emphasis on script-writing) and post-production (with an emphasis on video editing). The goal was to equip YWCA activists with additional knowledge and skills to independently produce video material to spread to their target groups.


  • Teaching of advanced script-writing- & video-production-skills
  • Various lectures on research- and interview-techniques
  • Video-documentation of the "16 Days against gender based violence"-Campaign, to be included within one final video
  • Filming of necessarry interviews and images, elaboration of the narrations and its recordings


Production of two educational documentaries:

1.) “Sexual violence within the family in Luanda“
2.) “Seizure of Goods and the Right to Inheritance in Angola“

  • Four participants are from now on responsible for the elaboration of script-writing concerning future UCF video productions
  • Five participants have agreed to dedicate their skills for creating the editing-team of the UCF media unit.
  • These videos have in 2016/17 become an integral part of UCFs public screening activities and are shown primarily within schools and partnering churches


  • Year
  • Country
  • Duration
    2 weeks
  • Employees
  • Participants
    25 (11-17 years)
  • Services
    Participatory Video Workshop
  • Resources
    Christian Aid/Irish Aid
  • Partner
    UCF (Female Christian Union) / YWCA link:

    Contact information

    H.-Christian Goertz
    Founder and director
    Länderallee 29
    14052 Berlin
       +49 30 605 077 81
      +49 30 269 339 10

    Mirella Domenich
    Founder and director of Communication for Development
    SHIN CA 08 Bloco E
       +55 11 616 229 65
      +55 11 616 228 21

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